Monday, April 11, 2011

Third Quarter Awards Review

The assembly wareally funs. I got too see people get rewards for there grades. I felt really happy seeing my friends going up and geting a reward. I loved that all the teacher were having fun too. I allso so some teachers geting rewards allso so it was nice. I had lots of fun we also got out of school early. I think thamine tot everbody that got an reward tryed there best so that why they earn it. Next quater im going to try my best to get an reward I think that I could really get an reward if I put my mine to it. The best part of the awarde sebely was that you got paid for your grades in my old school they nevered did that so it was really cool that Tia did that. That really good seeing people getting reward that shows that they do care about school.

1 comment:

  1. Drew, please look over your work before posting it. You can also have a peer or an adult proofread your paragraph. There are several spelling errors that could be fixed.
