Thursday, September 1, 2011

“Contents of the Dead Man’s Pocket” My Yellow Paper Paragraph

Something variable to me is my lap top. I don't want anything to happen to my lap top. I would really trip out bad of something happen to my lap top. My lap top cost 1400 thousand dollars it is a Mac note book. I really love this lap top I would do anything to protect my lap top. Ensure that my lap top is safe is I tell my sister to put it in her lock box its a squared safe that’s you need a 3 digit number to unlock it. I usually use it when am on pass. I which I could bring It here but I’m scared that some on would try to still it from me. I really use it allot when am on pass if something would happen to my lap top I would cry because I really love it. I got allot of my information on my lap top that why I would be really mad of something would of happen to it.


  1. Gosh! That's expensive. How did you get it?

  2. I think it is kind of bad that everyone would save a electronic. There are way better things!
